Friday 11 November 2016

Think big of what will probably happen

If we think big instead of small things Trump will keep America first. He will scrutinize every foreign country when looking for unbalance in in trade and services. NATO, Japan and South Korea have to pay more for US military service. China will be a currency manipulator, and open for tariffs on anything that now will be produced in America .Money will flood in to the US and put to work for infrastructure and jobs. Mexico will be pressed by tariffs to pay for the wall and tariffs for everything. The 500 billion deficit will disappear within a year and the production will be taken over by US. The the money will be given to the military to make a modern defence. There will be no more wars. Putin and Trump will make a deal that means no more threat to Europe and help to keep an eye on North Korea.

Trump has the experience to lead this big operation and results will shown 2017.

The national debt will not get above critical 20 trillion.

America is back in business. Forget everything Trump said. He needed to become president to start this. He will be like Reagan - remember when Reagan invited Gorbatsjov and they took a long  walk and became friends immediately. No more cold war. The same will happen with Putin.

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