Sunday 4 December 2016

The West and Islam have not accepted each other. Islam have two groups Sunnis and Shias who are fighting each other. Christianity parties catholics and protestants are now accepting each other. The West should leave the Middle east to let Islam sort out their problems themselves.

The West should therefore stop interfering in the Middle east.  This is Islamic territory. Let them sort out their problems themselves. ISIS is a sunni group who wants to take back the territory Saddam Hussein once had. By the Wests interference to help the shias they have prolonged the Islamic war and one group, ISIS has also attacked the West to force them to get out of the Middle east. Attacks from the West will be revenge on Islam and especially ISIS. President elect Trump is said to send 30.000 soldiers to destroy ISIS. After that the US will leave the middle east for ever.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Pence and Trump thanks Ohio for their votes.

This video shows exactly where President elect Donald J. Trump stands now. go to 37 min to see Mike Pence and Donals J. Trump on what will happen from today.

Friday 2 December 2016

Trump and Putin

Reagan invited Gorbachev and took an promenade with a Russian translator. They became friends from that day. From 2000 to 2008 Bush held a personal friendly contact with Putin. Obama did have a cold relationship with Russia. Now it is up to Trump to meet Russia. Taking everything from Trump into account he will also be a very good friend with Putin. That means less pressure on Europe. Sweden will continue to be a neutral country and can already stop the military costs and calm down.

Trump wants peace all over the world and concentrate on America and jobs etc.
He wants to stop the companies which leaves and make America great again, America first.

Many big countries in Europe wants to have good relationship with Russia and will follow the US. Putin knows this very well and a change will come in EU:s view as well.  Only the leaving member England wants a bad relationship with Russia.

The US and China will sort out their differences and have a good relationship.